We found Qualys ideal for our need to assess thousands of websites with limited resources.
Infrastructure Security Team Manager at Microsoft
Your company has “appified” operations, so you must protect many web apps linked to data-rich systems, as hackers pounce, looking for bugs to exploit. Qualys can help you secure their entire lifecycle.
Web apps are being aggressively deployed by organizations, and adopted—often without authorization—by employees. You’ll need a continuously updated web app inventory. Qualys discovers and catalogs all your web apps (approved or unapproved) wherever they are—on premises, cloud, mobile, IoT systems—and lets you tag them with custom labels.
Qualys continuously monitors all of your web apps for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, with deep, authenticated scans—including of SOAP and REST-based APIs—and smart progressive scanning. Qualys scales from a handful to thousands of apps, and helps prioritize remediation by identifying critical risks. You can visualize scan results via custom reports and interactive dashboards.
Qualys does deep testing of web apps on your perimeter, internal networks, remote and mobile devices, and public cloud instances with authenticated and complex scans. Supporting modern processes like DevOps, Agile, and Continuous Delivery, Qualys detects problems throughout the development and QA phases, and after web apps are in production.
Websites are infected with malware daily, affecting customers, damaging brands and triggering blacklisting. Qualys scans your websites, issues alerts, and eliminates malware, including zero-day threats via behavioral analysis. A dashboard displays scan activity and lets you start remediation from its interface. Activity reports can be mined for granular details and securely distributed.
From a central console, Qualys provides a unified, end-to-end platform with integrated scanning and firewall to rapidly detect and patch web app vulnerabilities, including generating virtual patches with one click. Qualys offers comprehensive security policies and templates, and also lets you create custom security rules to tailor firewall defenses.
Start your free trial today. No software to download or install. Email us or call us at 1 (800) 745-4355.